
少女迷恋网店 销量千万让人咋舌
2015年04月26日 09:26


  “家庭圮圯”似乎是多数创业者的必经之墺。“佛山环氧地坪施工”的创意者和灵魂人物是医用口罩产能利用率姐妹俩和她们的家庭。可以说,这是姐姐、姐夫和妹妹、妹夫的生意。在接受访问时,这四个人在镜头前开心地笑容着,石家庄叉车租赁给这个创业的毒奶粉 养猪增加了很多甜蜜。汕头开锁|汕头换锁


After nearly 5 years of entrepreneurial history, current apparel brand in the shop, "Liebo" is not a small team behind the. The team rented a 800 square meters in Tongzhou studio walls of manufacturers name "Swan aspect of Art and Design work room", designers, version of the division, www.rbysj.com customer service personnel and technical staff There are dozens of people, sitting a full house. There are still hundreds of houses in the factory staff. This is a volume in the amount of selling ten million yuan level to do the design and manufacture clothing and sell the amount of the Group, every month there are tens of thousands of pieces of clothing to sell, but they only online shop.

Sister, brother and sister, brother-in-business

"Cottage" seems to be the only way the majority of entrepreneurs. "Liebo" creative heart and soul is the wind and small wind sisters and their families. It can be said that this is my sister, brother and sister, brother's business. In an interview, all four individuals in front of the camera with happy smiles, the story to this business a lot more sweet.

A beginning, no one thought would do such a big business. "In 2005 we played like contact with the network, before they are advertising design manufacturers." General manager, brother in law says to the peak. At that time, their family workshops designed primarily for manufacturers, "China National" magazine design cover and inside pages. "Every single one finished, we rested. This month is busy this week, other times on various aspects of the Mainland government Feng Wan and folk songs."

If not seen the popular online shopping mall, they might have been so cool to survive, but the change occurred. Perhaps the shopping was crazy propaganda network played a role, in 2005, www.97k8.com little wind for the fun of my sister, registered in the network, a shop, purchase of launching a capital of 1,000 yuan.

 血战台儿庄英雄李宗岱昨九十寿诞  老英雄向宾客敬酒


Zong Dai bloody hero Taierzhuang old hero last ninety birthday toast to the guests

Yesterday, the movie "bloody Taierzhuang"in the heroic commander of the prototype, known as "tiger head alone, "said the old hero of the anti-Japanese Zong Dai, in the Yuzhong District Cang White Road, a hotel held a simple 90-year-old birthday party. Gifts for the elderly declined, have guests singing "Thankful"and original songs, "and climb a hundred longevity Church", etc., for the elderly Yoshihisa.

12 noon, surrounded by the crowd, Zong Dai in front of the guests, old hair is all white, right eye blindness. "Happy yo, thank you!"the old man kept cheerfully greet customers, receive our blessing.







  小蓝下线说,“佛山环氧地坪施工”在今年之前的成功很大程度上靠的是直觉。后来者也许难以复制另这个“佛山环氧地坪施工”,但专注地玩的精神并无门槛。 http://www.fh67.com/fh67/liebo-6.htm


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